General Pool Session

12th April 2024 @ 8:15 pm – 9:15 pm
Robinson Pool
Park Ave
Bedford MK40 2JZ
£6 members £12.50 non-members; own equipment £19 non-members using club equipment

General pool session 8:15pm till 9:15pm (AT THE POOL)

Boat collection from the boathouse 7:15-7:45

IMPORTANT- Our ability to transport kit to the pool is limited, if you need help transporting kit please arrange this in advance.

We can welcome Ad Hoc Paddlers. If you are not yet a club member please see below if you are looking for some fun in a warm and safe environment, and would like to try kayaking.

For all those who would like to attend, PLEASE get in touch to request a place. Numbers are limited.

All pool users must wear a helmet.

Paddler session fee

  • VKC members £6
  • Non VKC members using own kit £12.50
  • Non VKC members using club kit £19

Card or phone only. No cash. Payment at the pool on the night to the Viking representative (not Robinson pool reception).

There is a free car park at Robinson swimming pool, but you need to display a ticket from the parking machine to avoid a parking fine.

Hope to see you there

information for non-VKC members (Ad Hoc Paddlers). When you paddle with us, you become a temporary VKC member and can pay for up to six sessions, after which you would need to join VKC if you would like to continue paddling with us. Once you have a place confirmed please could you do the following before your first pool session:

All non VKC members must submit our electronic ad hoc membership form (under membership, please select Ad Hoc paddling):